Let’s Do This!

My passion is to reach struggling learners, but I can’t remain quiet and do that at the same time. So, let’s do this!

What is the “this”?

It is starting a podcast in order to share what I have learned with teachers, administrators, and parents. 

I cannot remain quiet any longer about the issues I see in education. I cannot continue to remain silent while struggling learners are failed.

So, I have created a podcast. Maybe this will help e and teachers who are passionate about the kids be heard. That is my hope at least. 

Reaching Struggling Learners

I’m not great at naming things, but in my “let’s do this” attitude, I feel that straightforward and honest is better than beating around the bush. So, Reaching Struggling Learners is my new podcast, which dropped today.

In this podcast, I will be talking about RTI, progress monitoring, teaching strategies, special education, teacher and parent advocacy… You name it, if it has something to do with struggling learners, we will talk about it. 

Episode 1: Let’s Do This!

I’m dyslexic. If you don’t already know that about me, now you do. 

My experience as a struggling learner was different from other kids, because I am one of the single most stubborn people you will ever meet. As a 6 year old, I realized that I couldn’t read, and I was mad about it! Luckily for me, my mother was able to get the supports that I needed to teach me how to read. 

My why as a teacher is that I want to make sure that students don’t have to experience the anger I felt at myself as a child for not being able to do something that was so stinking easy for everyone else. As a stubborn 6 year old, I decided that I was going to become a teacher to help them learn to read.

And you know what?

I love teaching, especially struggling learners.

I’ve taught in several settings in several different states. The one thing that I have learned that has stuck with me the most is that I LOVE working with struggling learners…whether they are in special education or not. 

I have also learned that there are a lot of students graduating high school with very low reading levels, and even lower writing skills. I believe that the education system as a whole is letting down many struggling learners, and I think that we can fix this….if we can work together.

Podcast Reaching Struggling Learners

I would love for you to join me as I share my experiences and what I have learned to help support teachers, parents, and administrators in reaching and teaching struggling learners. 

Join me as I share my journey from a dyslexic 6 year old throwing things to a teachers on a mission! So, let’s do this!

Please give a listen, and let me know what you think on iTunes

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