Teaching is a Passion

I love teaching….most days. Teaching can be a curse and a blessing, and I honestly believe that any teacher that tells you she loves her job every single day is lying. Not that she doesn’t love her job, just that teaching is extremely hard work, and we all have a rough day here and there.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher. It all started when I was 6 years old and I was diagnosed with dyslexia. Reading was incredibly difficult for me, and at that time I vowed that I would become a teacher so that no student would ever know the frustration I felt trying to learn to read. I might have been a little naive to think that I could change how every child learned to read, so I have changed my goal to something slightly more manageable. Now, I work every day to ensure that my students face challenges with the support they need to succeed.

Every day is an adventure in special education….whether it’s learning to read, count to 10, or manage behaviors. Special education teachers are a special breed, and I can honestly say that because I am one. I’m sure future posts in this blog will show just how out-of-the-ordinary special education teachers are….they just have to be to survive!

Anyway, enough of my musings! I really am beginning this blog with the intention of sharing my thoughts, ideas, and passion with other teachers (or parents who may be interested). I honestly believe that the education system is deeply flawed, but that it can be improved in many different ways, one of which is by teachers collaborating in a common goal of education improvement. So, here goes something!

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